Monday, January 23, 2012

My First Sewing Class

It took me a year to finally get to it, but I completed my first sewing class yesterday! This one was for making a diaper cover with PUL. I have worked with PUL before, and it is a little tricky. I was also very interested in learning how to use fold over elastic. I have tried various types of elastic where I have to stretch it as I sew it, and it rarely works how I expect it too. There were only two people signed up for the class and the other person never showed, so I had a private lesson. The class was scheduled to be 3 hours long, but even at the snail's pace I was going, I was done in an hour.

What I learned during my class:

1. I have been doing just fine reading directions and following along as best I can. I'm doing better than I thought

2. My "failures" with stretching and sewing elastic were not really failures at all. It just doesn't gather as much as I expect it to. If I want something pulled very tight, I'm better off doing a casing and cutting the elastic to the desired finished length.

I'm glad I took the class, and it was refreshing to get out of the house so that I could concentrate without listening to the sounds of the house and wondering if I should stop and help out. I had extra fabric and stuff and I wish I had asked if I could stay and do another couple just to enjoy the quiet.

Here is my finished product. It isn't perfect, but it was super easy and now that I have done it once, I'm pretty sure I could do it much cleaner and faster the next time.



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