Sunday, May 19, 2013

Patchwork Rainbow Dress

I saw a picture of a rainbow patchwork dress on a friend's Pinterest page and fell in love with it.  I just had to make it, and I'm glad I did.  It is possibly the brightest, happiest thing I have ever made.  However, I probably won't be making it again because it took forever to get finished. 

I started the dress a month or two ago, and it was going well.  I just did a little here and there as I had time to work on it.  There are a lot of little steps, so one day, I would just cut fabric strips, another I sewed them together, later I cut them to length, etc.  My daughter got an invitation to a "princess birthday party" and was to wear her princess-y best.  She doesn't really have any fancy dresses right now, but I figured the twirly rainbow dress would be perfect; I just needed to finish it.  Let's just say, I'm glad it's done.

 The top really should have been a little bigger, but the bottom of the dress has massive amounts of fabric, so I cut a few corners to keep the fullness from being so much that she couldn't move easily.  It's still very cute though.

 When I first tried it on her to check the placement of the straps, they were placed too wide and were a little long.  I ripped them out on the back only and moved the to the center.  I love how it looks and it fits much better now too.

I think this might be our favorite summer dress this year.

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