Friday, November 14, 2014

Twirler Sweat Suit

Now that the weather is colder, Dorothy can't wear just her leotard when she goes to gymnastics and baton twirling lessons.  Changing her out of her regular clothing (typically, a dress with tights) was getting old fast, so I ordered two sweat suits with zip up jackets.  Now she can put the on over her leotard, and we don't even have to redo her hair since it doesn't pull over her head.  So much better!

I ordered plain sweat suits, and appliqued the first one last night.  Hopefully, I'll get to the other one soon, but at least one was done quickly.  Since two out of the three times she needs the sweat suits is for twirling, I made her a "twirler" one.

It is hard to see the embellishments on the front, but there are crossed baton outlines on the left chest and the lower right pant leg.  Excuse her disinterested expression.  Trying to have her pose after gymnastics and before lunch was probably not the best idea.

 Close-up of the pant leg.  I wish I had gotten it placed a bit more to the side, but it doesn't look bad in the middle.

 The left chest of the jacket.  This one could also stand to be placed a bit more to the left (closer to the zipper).  The shape of the hoop makes it seem like it is closer to the left than it really is.  I'm going to need to practice getting a better placement.

 The back of the jacket.  I'm happy that I seem to have gotten the baton and lettering on straight, and I'm glad I went a little low on the placement.  The hood still covers up a fair amount, but the baton completely shows, and you can see a few of the letters.  She tends to pull her hood up anyway (or accidentally gets it tucked inside).  I would have preferred a jacket without a hood, but they are impossible to find right now.

 A better look, with the hood pulled out of the way.  I really like the colors, and all the fabric I used was scraps of things I already had.

Close-up of the applique.  I had a tiny bit of trouble with the bottom edge of the baton.  The fabric shifted when it was tacked down, and I didn't notice at the time because it was just a tiny bit.  I'm going to see if I can clean it up a bit more after it is washed.

I think it turned out really cute and think she looks darling it.  Dorothy is less impressed though and wants to know when she can put a dress back on.  *sigh*

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