Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Yes, I did finish the dress in time for not only St. Patrick's Day, but for the St. Patrick's Day party we went to five days ago.  I chose a fabric that is great for St. Patrick's Day, but that can also be worn long after the day has passed.  I could picture what I wanted in my head, but couldn't find a pattern for it.  I ended up combining the top part of the romper with the dress from Mc Call's 6304 pattern (which is the same pattern I used for the jacket I recently posted about).  Overall, the dress is cute, but a bit large.  It isn't too bad over a turtleneck and tights, and hopefully she can wear it as a sun dress this summer.  I am a little disappointed with my placement of the button holes.  I should have made them a half inch from the top instead of one inch.  The top of the straps want to flop down, so I'm trying to see if I can come up with some sort of fix for my mistake.

I had the great idea to take pictures of her wearing the dress instead of always having photos of the clothes spread out on the dining room table.  As you can see, I had a less than cooperative model.  I call these photos, "I hate my new dress."

I hate this!

Why must you torture me so?

Well, maybe it isn't so bad after all.

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