Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shirt & Jacket

Last year, I bought a cute pair of pants for Dorothy on steep clearance from Gymboree.  I figured that I would be able to find something to go with them because they were a solid color and Gymboree tends to recycle their colors pretty frequently.  Boy was I wrong.  After searching everywhere to find something to go with the pants I finally decided that it would be easier if I just made something.  I was envisioning some sort of fleece type sweatshirt, but the plumb wine color of the pants proved impossible to match.  I went to two fabric stores and there was absolutely nothing that was even close to the same color.

I finally found some corduroy fabric that was pretty close, and the best part was that it was sitting in my sewing room. It was left over from a project I made for a friend and I decided to make a little jacket. I found some buttons that were the perfect color on clearance for less than $1.00 and I found some ivory knit fabric to make the shirt for only $1.50 per yard.

It turned out really well, and I was able to do it for very little money, but it took a while. This was my first time doing a jacket or a knit shirt and both were a little tricky. The jacket ended up being pretty straight forward, but it is difficult to sew such tiny things. I had a pattern for the shirt, but the written directions were pretty much non existent. I had to go slowly, and figure it out myself as i went along. The pattern ended up being a little too wide and boxy, so I ended up taking it in a bit and it fits better now. I'm afraid the neck is still a little wide though. I'll keep that in mind and make adjustments if I ever make this again.

To tie the shirt in to both the pants and the jacket, I appliqued a bird onto it that is very similar to the birds on the corduroy jacket. I used the corduroy fabric as the body of the bird.


  1. Ha! I have those same pants bought for the same reason. They're still hanging in the closet with the tag on them.

    I love the jacket you made and the bird is too cute!

  2. I'm completely amazed that you made the little white shirt. Knit fabrics make me so angry to try to work with!

  3. You are amazing! I am continually in such awe...
