Friday, April 17, 2015

Edelweiss Dress

I made the Edelweiss Dress from Hey June for Dorothy, just in time for our first very warm day.  It was my first garment I have made with my new serger, and other than one minor issue (and having to use the seam ripper) it went really well.  It sewed up much faster than it would have using just my regular sewing machine.

Dorothy measured a size 2 for the chest and a 5 for the length.  I went with a size 4, and added an inch and a half to the length, and it is a pretty close fit.  It's a touch big, but not enough to bother me, and maybe she will get two summers out of it.

I bought the seersucker fabric for a song a couple of years ago, thinking it would make a cute dress for Dorothy.  At the time, orange was her favorite color.  She still likes orange (though her "favorite" changes hourly) and I love the summery print without it being like anything else she already has.

 The front.  Instead of making the ruffles, I used a wide eyelet ruffle I purchased.  I also added the eyelet ruffle to the bottom to balance it out.  I think seersucker ruffles would have been too much, and the eyelet gives the dress a very sweet look. 

 Moving.  The dress falls just barely below her knee, so she has some growing room, but it's not so longs as to get in her way while playing.

 The back.  You can see that it's a touch too big around, but not by much.  I made a small mistake with my serger which made it a tiny bit tighter around on one side, but luckily I had a little room to work with.  I sewed the buttons on a touch high, but I probably won't bother to move them.

 Cheesy pose, but it shows off the fit under the arms.  I was afraid the straps were going to be too short, but they were just right (I did not adjust them at all from the pattern).

Overall, A+.  I love the style on her and it's easy to make minor variations to the dress to change things up.  The pattern goes up to a size 10, so hopefully I can make some more of these before she's completely out of her dress phase.

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