Thursday, April 21, 2011

Snack Bags

A couple of months ago, I bought these snack bags. I had been planning on making some, but saw these for a good price and decided to give them a try before making my own in case I didn't like using them for some reason. Well, they are constantly in the laundry because we use them so much.

I finally dug out some washable home decor fabric that has been sitting in my scrap pile for years and got to work. I made them just a simple envelope pocket. I hate sewing zippers, so I made these with snaps.

I kept the seams to a minimum by having a fold at the bottom instead of sewing two separate pieces together.  Yes, I know the fabric isn't the best looking, but it cost me $0.00 to make them.  I would have made them a little wider, but I used all of the width my scrap had.  I have another scrap of the same fabric and will probably be able to get a little wider bag out of it.

Snapped and ready to go. I'm hoping that the corners will lay better once they have been washed a few times and soften up.

These are just the right size for those bags of Cheerios or graham crackers I am always carrying. They won't work for wet snacks, like apple slices or grapes, but if they work out, I can make a few more and we will use a lot fewer plastic baggies.

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