Sunday, November 6, 2011

How I am Turning My Son Into a Nerd

Those who know my husband and me know that the chance of our children becoming nerds is astronomically high.  I recently made two new shirts for Malcolm that simply hurl him into nerd-dom.  They both break my personal "no characters" rule, but I suppose when they are ones that mom and dad like a lot, then we can just ignore that rule.

I am a terrible mother because I wouldn't let him watch TV until I took a picture of the shirt.

Close up of Kermit.  Gonzo is actually Malcolm's favorite Muppet, but I made this to match a sweatshirt I bought last year.

Here is the sweatshirt I was trying to match (he's wearing the shirt underneath).  The back of the sweatshirt has The Muppet Show logo.

He has watched a few episodes of The Muppet Show and likes it OK, but it isn't one of his favorites.  I fully admit to this being mostly just for my husband and myself.  When he wore it to school, the teachers were excited about it, and who wouldn't be?  Kermit is awesome.

Malcolm has no idea who Dr. Who is, but when I found the pattern for the TARDIS, I had to have it and put it on something. Luckily, Malcolm had a sweatshirt and pair of pants that needed a matching shirt, and the TARDIS fit the bill perfectly. 

He's going to be the coolest kid in preschool. 

This stitched out fine, but trimming the extra threads on the lettering was a real pain.  They were so tiny and because some were going the same direction as the black thread underneath, it was hard to trim only the white thread. 

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