Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Apple Sauce

Someone asked for my apple sauce recipe and I figured here was as good a place as any to share it.  Ruthie, I hope your mom doesn't mind, since it's her recipe.

The recipe I use is from a former neighbor's mother. She (the mom) has an apple tree and she makes this as a way to use up the million apples that they have. She made some once when she was next door visiting and brought us a bowl. I don't like apple sauce, but even I like this and the kids can't get enough. It tastes like pie filling, but there is no sugar; just apples and spices.

All amounts are approximate.

1 gallon apples - peeled and cut in chunks
2 tsp cinnamon
1 "finger joint" fresh ginger - peeled and chopped fine (more if you like)
1/4 tsp nutmeg
dash of cloves (we like cloves, so I do a few dashes)
1/3 cup water

Cut over low heat until sauced.

What I do is cover the pot and let it sit until the apples are soft (I stir it a couple of times too). Once they are soft, I mash it up with the potato masher. It is not thin like store bought apple sauce, but there aren't any really huge chunks (usually). I then put it into hot jars and can it, but it cooks down enough that it could be refrigerated and eaten before it went bad. My kids like it straight, cold or warm, and Dorothy likes it mixed in her plain oatmeal. I have also used it when making waffles and it is really yummy.

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