Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Shirt and Shorts Set

Kevin bought me two new hoops for Christmas, and I have been very bad and had not tried them out yet.  My machine isn't recognizing the giant giga hoop and I need to call the company and find out what is up with that.  In the meantime, I needed to try out my new free arm hoop which is tiny, only 2 inches square, and is for getting into small spaces like cuffs.  I knew what I wanted to do, but that meant that I also had to break out my editing software and actually use it.  I finally worked out how to get it done, and Dorothy has a new little set that is adorable!  It is so cute, that I can't wait to do some more, but she doesn't really need any more clothes.  After a bit more practice, I might add some sets to my Etsy shop, so keep an eye out.  Until then, I'm always open to taking custom orders, if you have an idea of something you would like, please let me know.

It was difficult to get decent pictures of the clothes, but she was too cute playing in yard.  I just let her do her thing while I tried to be ready with the camera.

The shirt has the full design on it, but I had to size it down a bit from the original to get it to fit on the shirt.  There are a couple of spots where I'm not happy with how it lined up, but overall, it is pretty cute.

For the shorts, I got rid of the mushrooms and only kept three of the flowers.  Then flipped the butterfly to face the other direction and moved all the piece a little closer together.  Then I sized the whole thing way down to get it small enough to fit in the hoop.  I was surprised at how well the shorts stitched out.  I changed so many things from the original that I was afraid it would go all wonky.

The original design called for a lot of colors and I simplified it a little by eliminated two of them and just having some of the other colors repeat.  The next time I stitch this one, I'm going to simplify it even more and make the main color of both mushrooms the same.  I don't like the lighter coral on the bigger mushroom as much and think it will look less busy if they are both the same color.

Overall, this is a great little play set and it was perfect for her gymnastics class this morning.  Cute and comfy.

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