Saturday, January 21, 2012

Goals for 2011

So, I had a list of goals for last year and I only marginally managed to complete some of them.  Let's recap a bit, shall we?

Goals for 2011

1.  Spend two nights a week in my sewing room, or anywhere else working on a project, for at least one hour. 

I would do well for a while, then would fall off of the wagon for a while. When I was doing well, I got a lot done.

2.  Put away all the odds and ends of fabric that are still out in the open in the sewing room.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I did a little here and there, but it is still 100% a disaster in the sewing room. I really do need to do this. It would be so nice to work in a beautiful room.

3.  Hang the thread organizers.

Kevin did it for me, but at least it got done. Check!

4.  Set up my snap press in a permanent way.

Done! Check! Whew. Finally one where I can claim success.

5.  Make the curtains for my sewing room with the fabric that I bought a year ago.

The fabric is still sitting there, mocking me.

6.  Recover my chair and lamp shade now that the colors in my room have changed.

The chair I had been using has been two chairs that need to be recovered. I have doubled my work and my lamp has not changed.

7.  Make a dent in the giant pile of scrap fabric.

Well, I did a little of this, but I need to do some bigger projects involving my scrap piles. I have a couple of ideas, but I need to actually do them.

8.  Hang up the pictures I have framed.

Done! Check!

9.  Finish at least one project that is partially done.

It was small, but I did it. Check!

10.  Take a sewing class.

I am signed up for one tomorrow. I didn't make it in 2011, but I am finally going to do it. Yay, me! Hopefully, I will learn something.

After my class tomorrow, I'm going to spend a little time reflecting on what I want to do this year. I might not make a ten point list. I have some things that I would like to get done, but I also have some things that I really need to get done.

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